It's been almost 2 years since I've done anything 
  with Python and SQLite and I'm having some problems
  that I don't recall from my last usage ....

  It seems that SQLite3 data bases created at the command line 
  and those created using the sqlite module from within Python
  are no longer compatible with each other using the setup that 
  I now have ....

  I thought I remembered that the data bases created either way
  were always 100% transparent with each other and that I could
  use an SQLite3 data base either from the command line or from
  within Python without any problems at all ....

  I did a fair amount of Google-izing looking for related problems
  but didn't have much success .... 
  I did find one entry in the Debian Bug Tracking System
  that had some discussions about SQLite3 & Python-SQLite versioning
  but the original errors mentioned didn't seem to be of the same nature
  as what i'm seeing here .... 
  Operating System .... Debian GNU/Linux Sarge 

    python2.3 ........... Installed :  2.3.5-3sarge2
    python2.3-sqlite .... Installed :  1.0.1-2
    sqlite3 ............. Installed :  3.2.1-1
    libsqlite3-0 ........ Installed :  3.2.1-1

  Date            SQLite3 Data Base       Created Via
  ==========      =================       ===========
  2005-02-20 .... abook_00.sql3 ......... sqlite3 command line
  2006-11-23 .... abook_01.sql3 ......... python module
  SQLite3 data bases created via the command line
  and those created using the python2.3-sqlite package
  version 1.0.1-2 from within a Python program 
  are  not  compatible with each other .... 
  If I create an SQLite3 data base from the command line
  and populate it with data, then I cannot use that db
  from Python .... 
  If I create an SQLite3 data base from within Python
  and populate it with data, then I cannot use that db
  from the command line .... 
  The following console sessions illustrate the problem ....
  # Using an SQLite3 data base created at the command line
  $ sqlite3 abook_00.sql3
  SQLite version 3.2.1
  Enter ".help" for instructions
  sqlite> .schema
  CREATE TABLE addr( nid int ,
    atype int ,
    aid int ,
    address varchar( 128 ) );
  CREATE TABLE names( nid int,
    name varchar( 32 ) );
  sqlite> .mode column
  sqlite> .width 16 32
  sqlite> select , addr.address
     ...> from   names , addr
     ...> where  names.nid = addr.nid ;
  Bugs Bunny        Rabbit Hole 0
  Donald Duck       Duck Pond 1
  Goofy             G Hut 2
  Mickey Mouse      Mouse Hole 3
  Sylvester         Cat House 4

  # Try to query that data base from within Python
  $ python abook_00.sql3
  Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 18, in ?
    dbc      = sqlite.connect( db = path_db )
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/sqlite/", line 61, in 
    return Connection(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/sqlite/", line 445, in __init__
    self.db = _sqlite.connect(database, mode)
  _sqlite.DatabaseError: file is encrypted or is not a database
  # Try the same query on a Python-created data base 
  $ python abook_01.sql3

        Name ............ Address

        Donald Duck  .... Duck Pond 1
        Bugs Bunny   .... Rabbit Hole 0
        Mickey Mouse .... Mouse Hole 3
        Goofy        .... G Hut 2
        Sylvester    .... Cat House 4

  # Try to use the Python-created data base from the command line
  $ sqlite3 abook_01.sql3
  SQLite version 3.2.1
  Enter ".help" for instructions
  sqlite> .schema
  Error: file is encrypted or is not a database

Stanley C. Kitching
Human Being
Phoenix, Arizona

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