While studying the SICP video lectures I have to twist my mind some to
completely understand the lessons. I implement the programs shown there
in both Python and Scheme, and I find the Python implementations
simpler to write (but it's not a fair comparison because I know very
little Scheme still).

Now some things are changing:

>The MIT is going to change its curriculum structure that was famous for 
>teaching Scheme in introductory courses. One force behind the reform is no one 
>else than Harold Abelson, famous for his marvelous Scheme opus SICP.<
>The first four weeks of C1 will be a lot like the first four weeks of 6.001, 
>Abelson said. The difference is that programming will be done in Python and 
>not Scheme.<

Someone is translating the SIPC programs in Python too:

With slides and code from lectures:

I like Scheme a bit too, but I consider this is a small victory for
Python :-)



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