We are developing a medical software about PSG (PolySomnoGraphy)
analysis. The application takes signal data from an electronic device and
we will show this continious signal function on the interfaces. There are
about 20-30 signal channels and the user selected channels are shown. We
want to run this application over different platforms.

My question is:
  1. What must be our IDE
  2. What class library for GUI must be use (wxWindows, Qt, GTK, etc.)
  3. Is there any GUI package for visulazing signal functions (like sinozodial functions) in real time; this module will behave as an oscilloscope

Evrim ÃzÃelik
Anka Information Technologies R&D Co.
Manager of Internet Technologies

Web   : http://www.ankabt.com/
Gsm   : +90 555 474 84 52
Phone : +90 212 276 19 69 # 134


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