Maurice LING escreveu:

> >
> > I once wrote a partial JVM in Modula-3 (strictly a researchware
> > effort), so I can imagine it being done technically.  But why?
> >
> > The big problem with Java-and-Python is not the VMs underneath.  It is
> > the fact that Java has layers upon layers upon layers of idiosyncratic
> > libraries and idioms.  When you write bindings to that world (even if
> > the bindings are generated automagically), you have to *think* in
> > those same layers.  The Python-oriented developer suddenly has to use
> > a dozen imports in order to do things already done better in
> > Pythonesque libraries.
> >
> The main use I can see is to be able to incorporate Java applications
> into Python. For example, I am using Cytoscape ( which
> is in Java. I do hope that I can control Cytoscape from Python and
> manipulate its objects from Python.
> Say given cytoscape.jar, I'll like to be able to do this:
>  >>> from cytoscape javaimport cytoscape
>  >>> c = cytoscape()
> And the tighest way I see that this can be done is for Python VM to
> execute Java bytecodes like Python bytecodes. That is, Python VM
> executes Java bytecodes directly and not through object mapping which I
> think is that JPyPe is doing.
> I must say that this is part of even a fluffier dream that one day, I
> can take any applications and play around with it in Python. Currently,
> my collaborators wrote in Perl and Java, so it is not easy for me to use
> their work in my work.
> ML

What is wrong with the other way around and Jython?

Just curious.



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