Hi All

I've been using the pyRTF module to generate some documents that I need
for work.  In general, the module is good, and pretty simple to use.
However, I am running into a problem with footers that doesn't quite
make sense to me.

My question is this:  Is it possible to change the text of a footer
throughout an RTF document?

The data that I am using to produce my document is organized in a
simple header/detail relationship.  The document I want to produce
looks roughly like this:


detail data line 1
detail data line 2
detail data line 3

page footer that says "USER001, plus some other information"

**page break**


detail data line 1
detail data line 2
detail data line 3

page footer that says "USER002, plus some other information"

**page break**


detail data line 1
detail data line 2
detail data line 3

page footer that says "USERnnn, plus some other information"



I've gotten everything the way I want, except for the footer.  The
footer appears on the first page, but not on any other page.

The code that generates the footer is (apologies in advance for poor


def MakeFooter(self, facilitatir, startDate, endDate, tuID):
   section = Section()

   self.doc.Sections.append( section )

   p = Paragraph(  "%s - %s (%s - %s)" % ( facilitator, tuID,
startDate, endDate ), LINE )
   p.append( 'Page', PAGE_NUMBER, ' of ', TOTAL_PAGES )
   section.Footer.append( p )


The logic that calls MakeFooter is:


   tuDoc = MakeTUDoc()
   DR = Renderer()

   for i in range( start, end + 1 ):
      key = "Traininguser%03d" % ( i )
      tuDoc.MakeFooter( facilitator, startDate, endDate, key )
      tuDoc.MakeHeader( key, module )
      < code to populate the document with detail data >

   DR.Write( tuDoc.doc, tuDoc.OpenFile( 'JUNK' ) )

   print( 'DONE!' )


(Note:  the MakeHeader() method doesn't put an actual RTF header in the
document-- it just puts text in a Heading1 format into a section at the
top of the page, before the detail data.)

I had a look at the RTF 1.5 specification
(http://www.biblioscope.com/rtf15_spec.htm), and regarding headers and
footers and it's pretty thin.  I didn't see anything in the
specification regarding support for changing footer text throughout the
document.  Nothing in there that said I could do it, either.

Any ideas, anyone?

Thanks in advance.  This is an extremely helpful discussion group.



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