Ben Finney wrote:

> No. "The fewer characters, the better" is not right. Such absolutes
> are to be avoided.
> Sometimes, as in the case of omitting block-enclosing braces, removing
> characters results in better readability. Other times, as in the case
> of explicit names for objects, *more* characters results in better
> readability -- but only up to a point.

Ok, true, but there seems (to me) to be a difference between 
content-related characters, such as giving more descriptive names to 
variables, and syntax-related characters, such as colons and braces. I 
was thinking strictly of the language syntax and not necessarily about 
making the code quite literally more readable (with real words for 
variables instead of 'x', or 'timv' instead of 'this_is_my_variable').

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