Hello Python Users, I've been trying to run multiple thread of Matlab by calling its com object via python. However, I keep getting error message that says Python can't find the attribute of certain function that I want to execute in Matlab.
I know the com function is exist, it works just fine if I don't run within thread. Below is my sample code, any helps or comments are appreciated. Thanks, Tanto import threading from win32com.client import Dispatch class MyThread ( threading.Thread ): def __init__(self,matlab_command): self.matlab_command = matlab_command self.matlab_object = Dispatch('matlab.application.single') threading.Thread.__init__(self) def run(self): execute = getattr(self.matlab_object,'Execute') execute(self.matlab_command) def awesome_dud(self): execute = getattr(self.matlab_object,'Execute') execute(self.matlab_command) a = MyThread('a=1:1:100') b = MyThread('b=1:1:200') # Running matlab function through thread (It's not working) # ========================================================= a.start() b.start() a.join() b.join() # Running matlab function not through thread (it's working) # ========================================================= a.awesome_dud() b.awesome_dud() -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list