> I'm trying to write a basic Subversion client because I need to
> integrate Subversion with a product that keeps source code in a
> database (so it has no notion of "working copy").
> I have tried to translate the simple C examples in Garrett Rooney's
> book into Python, but the very clever SWIG stuff has made the Python
> access so different from the corresponding C that I can't do it.
> Example: I can create an apr array but I have no idea how to insert
> something into it. In C you use APR_ARRAY_PUSH. In Python that doesn't
> exist. Another example: I can create an apr hash, but I can't work out
> how to look inside it. In C it is a struct with members count and max
> etc. In Python it is a class  that doesn't remotely resemble the
> struct.
> Has anyone got a bare-bones bit of working Python that shows how to do
> (say) an add or a checkout? There is an example of status in the
> Subversion book but it's a toy: it doesn't show how you create an
> authentication callback so it will only work locally.

The nice python-ide eric3, written in python itself, features a 
subversion interface. Maybe you can take a look at that?


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