Pedro Rodrigues wrote:
> Hi Bugra,
> thanks for your reply. I did try the same code on a Windows 2000 system 
> where I also installed and later removed Python 2.5. There, I obtained 
> the same problem :( That's why I think it has to do with software. I've 
> also searched on the internet and this problem seems to come up also 
> with other sorts of applications. This lead me to think that there might 
> be some inconsistency in the Registry of Windows or some files that have 
> been left behind after uninstall. I've tried to address these two 
> possibilities but so far I did not succeed :(
> pedro
> On 11/8/06, *Bugra Cakir* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     I have came across this like problem in my simulations also. But the
>     case is not for the program structure or
>     python version, the case is hardware :) . If you have time to try it
>     on some other machine than the current and
>     if the problem arises then there is something different!
>     --
I've had this sort of problem when attempting to interface with 
OpenOffice.  It appeared to be connected with the fact that OO
starts a second process, but I didn't pursue it.

Colin W.


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