> I am just getting into python and am trying to learn how to use the 
> python.vim script.  I really like the fact that it autoindents for me while 
> inserting defs etc, but how do I move my cursor to back to outer block (say 
> at the end of a def) to continue with writing next def while still in insert 
> mode?  Right now I have to get out of insert mode to do this....very 
> annoying! 

If I understand what you're wanting, it sounds like you want an 
exdent sort of command.

Vim provides two variants within insert mode:

1) just plain control+D will exdent one 'shiftwidth'

2) typing a zero followed by a control+D will exdent you to the 
far left margin

You can read more in the help at

        :help i_CTRL-D
        :help i_0_CTRL-D
        :help i_^_CTRL-D

(that last variant is more helpful for C/C++ coding than for 
Python, but it's nice to know it's there)

For future reference regarding vim related questions, I highly 
recommend the vim mailing list, which you can find at www.vim.org 
which is almost pure content (very high S/N ratio) and gives the 
python ML a run for its money in terms of fast & accurate responses.



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