Is there a standard library module in Python 2.4 (Win32) that will return directory permissions / ACLs (e.g. users, groups, and what rights they have)?
Otherwise, I'm faced with sending "cacls dirName" commands via os.popen as below, and then parsing and comparing the text output. Basically, I'd like to compare what the ACLs a directory should have against what the actual ACLs are. Here's what I started with: import os # Cross-platform filesystem manipulation rootDir = "S:\someRootDirectoryHere" print "*** Printing DIRECTORY names beneath directory " + rootDir + " ***\n" for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(rootDir): for dirNm in dirnames: theDirPath = os.path.join(dirpath, dirNm) print '"' + theDirPath +'"' # cacls needs double-quotes around space-containing paths result = os.popen("cacls " + '"' + theDirPath + '"') # Print the security info (ACLs)for specified directory print Thanks. --