The timeit module is ideal for measuring small code snippets; I want to measure large function objects.
Because the timeit module takes the code snippet argument as a string, it is quite handy to use from the command line, but it is less convenient for timing large pieces of code or when working in the interactive interpreter. E.g. variations on this *don't* work: $ python Python 2.4.3 (#1, Jun 13 2006, 11:46:08) [GCC 4.1.1 20060525 (Red Hat 4.1.1-1)] on linux2 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> >>> def foo(x): ... return x+1 ... >>> assert foo(1) == 2 # do lots of interactive testing >>> >>> import timeit >>> timeit.Timer("foo(1)").timeit() Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in ? File "/usr/lib/python2.4/", line 161, in timeit timing = self.inner(it, self.timer) File "<timeit-src>", line 6, in inner NameError: global name 'foo' is not defined >>> One solution is to work like this: >>> foo_str = """def foo(x): ... return x+1 ... """ >>> exec foo_str >>> assert foo(1) == 2 >>> timeit.Timer("foo(1)", foo_str).timeit(10000) 0.006793975830078125 Not so useful if you are timing functions from existing code, and very easy to get foo_str and foo out of sync. One solution is to resign oneself that timeit is just no good for timing actual function objects, and to resort to writing ad hoc and potentially buggy timing code any time you want to time a function: >>> import time >>> def timer(n=10000): ... _it = [None]*n ... t = time.time() ... for _ in _it: ... foo(1) ... t = time.time() - t ... return t ... >>> timer() 0.0082669258117675781 That's hardly best practice -- good enough for rough and ready "how fast is this?" but not scalable beyond one or two functions. Do others have other suggestions or techniques they use? I thought I could write a function, similar to the timeit.Timer.timeit() method, which would take a function object instead of a string, plus arbitrary arguments, and carefully time how long it takes to execute. I ended up with something like this: def ftimer(func, args, kwargs, number=1000000, timer=time.time): it = itertools.repeat(None, number) gc_saved = gc.isenabled() gc.disable() t0 = timer() for i in it: func(*args, **kwargs) t1 = timer() if gc_saved: gc.enable() return t1 - t0 (Aside: I should put the timing code in a try block, with the gc restoration code under finally. Next version.) Much to my surprise, this seems to give me elapsed times about double that of timeit, at least for small functions that do little work. I expected that executing the function would be faster than the timeit module, which goes to show how badly off my intuition regarding the overhead of timeit was. I presume the problem is that the time it takes to unroll the *args and **kwargs is making a significant difference to the time taken. But even if I remove those arguments, and just call functions that take no arguments, there is still a significant difference. My ftimer results are consistently 10-20% longer than timeit. Example: >>> setup_null = """def null(): ... return ... """ >>> exec setup_null >>> timeit.Timer("null()", setup_null).timeit() 0.7631678581237793 >>> ftimer(null, [], {}) 1.8860080242156982 >>> ftimer2(null) # version that doesn't pass *args and **kwargs 0.90903997421264648 Can anyone help me understand these results? Why is the overhead associated with timeit apparently so much smaller than the overhead in my ftimer functions? Am I barking up the wrong tree here? Is there a flaw in my reasoning, and I'm measuring execution time the wrong way? Or is it that the timeit module and my ftimer functions are measuring subtly different things? -- Steven. --