"M.E.Farmer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
>I am no web expert but have recently used cherrypy to 'webify' a
> script. It is very easy to get going and has its own server or can be
> run behind Apache.
> The only real problem I see is that the docs are still a little lite
> for the new 2.0 series ,but they do have a newsgroup where the author
> still answers questions.
> Cherrypy2 is fairly logical and most of it is covered in the examples
> on there website.
> I can not speak for the other packages,have not used them yet ;)
> hth,
> M.E.Farmer

Thanks.  I am no web expert either so I appreciate advice coming from 
someone who was in a similar situation.

Twisted and CherryPy seemed to me to be the main choices based on what I 
understand from their front pages with my limited knowledge on web apps. 
Twisted feels more "developed" but also more complex at the same time.  I 
wanted opinions before I invest the time in studying either one of them. 
Your opinion helps.



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