On Oct 31, 2006, at 3:22 PM, John Salerno wrote:

> After I watched the screencasts for how Dabo uses sizers, I really
> understood them a lot better. I've never used Dabo itself for GUI
> design, but the screencast, though it shows them in terms of that
> program, still gives a great visual presentation of how sizers work in
> general and I suggest you take a look at that:
> http://leafe.com/screencasts/sizers1.html
> http://leafe.com/screencasts/sizers2.html

        Thanks for the good feedback. It took me a while to wrap my brain  
around sizers when I first started using them; now I hate working  
without them!

        Also, I wanted to mention that our visual Class Designer has another  
helpful feature: you can right-click control to bring up a context  
menu. One of the choices is 'Edit Sizer Settings...', which brings up  
a dialog with all the relevant settings in one place. As you change  
them in the dialog, the design surface updates so that you can see  
the effect of your changes before you commit them. If you don't like  
your changes, click 'Cancel' and things return to the way they were  
before you started.

-- Ed Leafe
-- http://leafe.com
-- http://dabodev.com


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