McBooCzech wrote:
> Hallo all,
> I am trying to generate SQL SELECT command which will return pivot
> table. The number of column in the pivot table depends on the data
> stored in the database. It means I do not know in advance how many
> columns the pivot table will have.
> For example I will test the database as following:
> The SELECT command will return:
> 2002
> 2003
> 2004
> 2005
> So I would like to construct following select:
> select T1.WEEK,
> SUM (case T1.YEAR when '2002' then T1.PRICE else 0 END) Y_02,
> SUM (case T1.YEAR when '2003' then T1.PRICE else 0 END) Y_03,
> SUM (case T1.YEAR when '2004' then T1.PRICE else 0 END) Y_04,
> SUM (case T1.YEAR when '2005' then T1.PRICE else 0 END) Y_05
> from T1
> group by T1.week
> which will return pivot table with 5 columns:
> WEEK, Y_02, Y_03, Y_04, Y_05,
> but if the command "SELECT DISTINCT T1.YEAR FROM T1" returns:
> 2003
> 2004
> I have to construct only following string:
> select T1.WEEK,
> SUM (case T1.YEAR when '2003' then T1.PRICE else 0 END) Y_03,
> SUM (case T1.YEAR when '2004' then T1.PRICE else 0 END) Y_04,
> from T1
> group by T1.week
> which will return pivot table with 3 columns:
> WEEK, Y_03, Y_04
> Can anyone help and give me a hand or just direct me, how to write a
> code which will generate SELECT string depending on the data stored
> the database as I described?

>>> step1result = ["2003", "2004"] # for example
>>> prologue = "select T1.WEEK, "
>>> template = "SUM (case T1.YEAR when '%s' then T1.PRICE else 0 END)
>>> epilogue = " from T1 group by T1.week"
>>> step2sql = prologue + ", ".join([template % (x, x[-2:]) for x in
step1result]) + epilogue
>>> step2sql
"select T1.WEEK, SUM (case T1.YEAR when '2003' then T1.PRICE else 0
END) Y_03, SUM (case T1.YEAR when '2004' then T1.PRICE else 0 END) Y_04
from T1 group by T1.week"

Of course you may need to adjust the strings above to allow for your
local SQL syntax (line breaks, line continuations, semicolon at the end
maybe, ...).

A few quick silly questions:
Have you read the Python tutorial?
Do you read this newsgroup (other than answers to your own questions)?
Could you have done this yourself in a language other than Python?


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