Rares Vernica wrote:
> Hi,
> How can I unescape HTML entities like " "?
> I know about xml.sax.saxutils.unescape() but it only deals with "&", 
> "<", and ">".
> Also, I know about htmlentitydefs.entitydefs, but not only this 
> dictionary is the opposite of what I need, it does not have " ".
> It has to be in python 2.4.
> Thanks a lot,
> Ray
One way is this:

 >>> import SE                                                      # 
Download from http://cheeseshop.python.org/pypi/SE/2.2%20beta
 >>> SE.SE ('HTM2ISO.se')('input_file_name', 'output_file_name')    # 
HTM2ISO.se is included

For repeated translations the SE object would be assigned to a variable:

 >>> HTM_Decoder = SE.SE ('HTM2ISO.se')

SE objects take and return strings as well as file names which is useful 
for translating string variables, doing line-by-line translations and 
for interactive development or verification. A simple way to check a 
substitution set is to use its definitions as test data. The following 
is a section of the definition file HTM2ISO.se:

test_string = '''
ø=(xf8)   #  248  f8
ù=(xf9)   #  249  f9
ú=(xfa)   #  250  fa
û=(xfb)    #  251  fb
ü=(xfc)     #  252  fc
ý=(xfd)   #  253  fd
þ=(xfe)    #  254  fe

 >>> print HTM_Decoder (test_string)

ø=(xf8)   #  248  f8
ù=(xf9)   #  249  f9
ú=(xfa)   #  250  fa
û=(xfb)    #  251  fb
ü=(xfc)     #  252  fc
ý=(xfd)   #  253  fd
þ=(xfe)    #  254  fe

Another feature of SE is modularity.

 >>> strip_tags = '''
   ~<(.|\x0a)*?>~=(9)               # one tag to one tab
   ~<!--(.|\x0a)*?-->~=(9)          # one comment to one tab
|                                   # run
   "~\x0a[ \x09\x0d\x0a]*~=(x0a)"   # delete empty lines
   ~\t+~=(32)                       # one or more tabs to one space
   ~\x20\t+~=(32)                   # one space and one or more tabs to 
one space
   ~\t+\x20~=(32)                   # one or more tab and one space to 
one space

 >>> HTM_Stripper_Decoder = SE.SE (strip_tags + ' HTM2ISO.se ')   # 
Order doesn't matter

If you write 'strip_tags' to a file, say 'STRIP_TAGS.se' you'd name it 
together with HTM2ISO.se:

 >>> HTM_Stripper_Decoder = SE.SE ('STRIP_TAGS.se  HTM2ISO.se')   # 
Order doesn't matter

Or, if you have two SE objects, one for stripping tags and one for 
decoding the ampersands, you can nest them like this:

 >>> test_string = "<p class=MsoNormal 
style='line-height:110%'><i>Ren&eacute;</i> est un gar&ccedil;on qui 
para&icirc;t plus &acirc;g&eacute;. </p>"

 >>> print Tag_Stripper (HTM_Decoder (test_string))
  René est un garçon qui paraît plus âgé.

Nesting works with file names too, because file names are returned:

 >>> Tag_Stripper (HTM_Decoder ('input_file_name'), 'output_file_name')



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