Alright, I seem to be at a loss for what I am looking for, and I am not even really all that sure if it is possible or not. I found the 'pdb' debugger, but I was wondering if there was something that would trace or log the order of line execution for a multi-module Python program. I am having a little bit of a problem tracking down a problem that I mentioned earlier (, and I am hoping that maybe seeing how the statements are executed will shed some light on the entire thing for me.
The debugger isn't working, though, because I have a timer set up to fire off every 20ms to check for incoming network traffic from the server, and that timer firing off makes stepping through with the debugger seemingly impossible to get any useful data. Basically, is there something that will log every line of Python code executed, in its order of execution, to a text file so that I can see what is (or isn't) happening that I am expecting? I know that the server is sending and receiving properly, because I can connect to it with a regular telnet client and it works -- but at the same time, everything I can think of to check my program's functionality checks out just fine (e.g., it reports that it is successfully sending what I am typing to the server, and it says that the server is not sending anything back to be read from the socket). If it makes any difference, I am using wxWidgets' Python bindings for the UI code (and the timer), and using Python's socket library for the network stuff. -- Mike --