Sybren Stuvel wrote:
> alf enlightened us with:
>>I have a command line program which also does some interaction with the 
>>user using stdin and stdout.
>>My requirement is to print prompt so the user can answer in the same 
>>line. Unfortunately:
>>  print 'enter command:',
>>does not really work as the comma is carried over to the following lines 
>>and the indentation gets messed up.
>>I can use sys.stdout.write('enter command:') instead but kind of do not 
>>like sys.stdout.write mixed up with print's statements used to display 
>>other informations.
>>Is there a pythonic solution for the problem?
> Yeah, write a function:
> def prompt(label):
>     '''Prompts the user, returning the typed text'''
>     sys.stdout.write(label)
>     return sys.stdin.readline()
Or use raw_input(), which was designed for such situations:

  >>> mystr = raw_input("Who is this? ")
Who is this? Steve

Steve Holden       +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
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