Caleb Hattingh wrote:

Yes, you can even write

f = open("data.txt")
for line in f:
    # do stuff with line

This has the additional benefit of not slurping in the entire file at once.

Is there disk access on every iteration? I'm guessing yes? It shouldn't be an issue in the vast majority of cases, but I'm naturally curious :)

Short answer: No, it's buffered.

Long answer:
This buffer is actually what causes the problems in interactions between uses of the next method and readline, seek, etc:

py> f = file('temp.txt')
py> for line in f:
...     print line,
...     break
line 1
py> for line in f:
...     print line,
line 2
line 3

Using the iteration protocol (specificaly, when is called) causes the file object to read part of the file into a buffer for the iterator. The read method doesn't access the same buffer, and sees that (because the file is so small) we've already seeked to the end of the file, so it returns '' to signal that the entire file has been read, even though we have not finished iterating. The iterator however, which has access to the buffer, can still complete its iteration.

The moral of the story is that, in general, you should only use the file as an iterator after you are done calling read, readline, etc. unless you want to keep track of the file position and do an appropriate call after each use of the iterator.


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