Yogesh Chawla - PD wrote:
> I have 2 questions.  1) How do we get the Server cert
> in python.  John wrote: "Nor does there seem to be a
> way to get at the certificate itself from within
> Python."  Perhaps pycurl will allow us to do this.  Is
> there another method to get the server cert?

Here's an example with M2Crypto:

from M2Crypto import SSL

ctx = SSL.Context()
conn = SSL.Connection(ctx)
conn.connect(('www.verisign.com', 443))
cert = conn.get_peer_cert()

> 2) I like the idea of calling openssl in a subprocess.
>  Do you have any of those openssl commands handy?  If
> not, I can look through the documentation tommorrow.

I would be surprised if M2Crypto did not provide what you want. If it
doesn't, I'd be happy to add the functionality.

  Heikki Toivonen

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