Hello Everyone I have been playing a little with pyGTK and threading to come up with simple alert dialog which plays a sound in the background. The need for
threading came when in the first version i made, the gui would freeze after clicking the close button until pygame finished playing the sound. In Windows it was acceptable because it could be ignored easily, but in testing on linux (red hat 9) Gnome was throwing up a dialog for killing hanging applications. So now i have a threaded version that seems to work as it should (except not on rh9 beause gtk is to old, but that is getting upgraded to fc5/6 so no matter). So i was hoping to get some general comments about the code as i am not sure if i am doing the gtk or threading correctly (i hope the pygame part is simple enough that i have it right). ##code start## #!/usr/bin/env python """ Simple alert message dialog with sound. Runs a dummy audio function if pygame is missing and not run on Windows. It does work on linux (fc5) but i don't know the name of any wav file so i just copy the Windows tada.wav into same directory as script. """ import sys import threading import time import gobject import gtk import os.path try: import pygame.mixer as pgmixer import pygame.time as pgtime except ImportError: print "pygame not found, using dummy audio" gobject.threads_init() alertmsg = "Ding Dong" class ThreadOne(threading.Thread): """Dialog thread""" stopthread = threading.Event() def __init__(self): super(ThreadOne, self).__init__() self.dialog = gtk.MessageDialog(parent=None, type=gtk.MESSAGE_INFO, buttons=gtk.BUTTONS_NONE, flags=gtk.DIALOG_MODAL, message_format=alertmsg) self.quit = False def run(self): """Run idle sleep loop while stopthread Event is not set""" while not self.stopthread.isSet(): print self, " is running" time.sleep(1) def stop(self): """Set stopthread Event""" self.stopthread.set() class ThreadTwo(threading.Thread): """Audio thread""" stopthread = threading.Event() def __init__(self): super(ThreadTwo, self).__init__() self.quit = False self.cnt = 0 self.killaudio = 0 def run(self): """While audioalert returns True, increment counter""" if (sys.modules.has_key('pygame')) and (sys.platform == 'win32'): while audioalert(): self.cnt += 1 else: while audiodummy(): self.cnt += 1 def stop(self): """Set killaudio flag to 1, set stopthread Event""" self.killaudio = 1 self.stopthread.set() print self, " stop was called" def audiodummy(): """dummy audio playback""" while t2.cnt >= 0 : if t2.killaudio == 0: print 'Beep!' time.sleep(1) else: print 'audiodummy done' return False return True def audioalert(): """ Slightly expanded pygame/examples/sound.py Playback sound and then test for audio channel usage While channel is busy and while killaudio flag is set to 0 Check every second and return True at end of sound playback When killaudio is set to 1 stop the playback and kill the mixer Return False for ThreadTwo.run NOTE: Copy tada.wav from X:\WINDOWS\Media\ """ pgmixer.init(11025) soundfile = os.path.join('.', 'tada.wav') sound = pgmixer.Sound(soundfile) channel = sound.play() while channel.get_busy(): if t2.killaudio == 0: pgtime.wait(1000) else: sound.stop() pgmixer.quit() return False print '[DEBUG] loop number: ', t2.cnt return True t1 = ThreadOne() t2 = ThreadTwo() mainwindow = t1.dialog mainwindow.show_all() mainwindow.connect("destroy", lambda _: gtk.main_quit()) t1.start() t2.start() gtk.main() print 't2.stop' t2.stop() print 't1.stop' t1.stop() ##code end## Thanks for your time. Brendan Mchugh -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list