What's it?

It's an Editor based on wxPython. NewEdit is the old name, and UliPad
is the new name. UliPad uses Mixin and Plugin technique as its
architecture. Most of its classes can be extended via mixin and plugin
components, and finally become an integrity class at
creating the instance. So UliPad is very dynamic. You can write the
new features in new files, and hardly need to modify the existing
code. And if you want to extend the existing classes, you could write
mixins and plugins, and this will be bound to the target class that I
call "Slot Class". This technique will make the changes centralized
and easily managed.

What's new in 3.5

New features and improvement:

#. Add not automatically clear content of Message window, and add
Shift+F5 shortcut
#. Use FlatNotebook instead of Notebook
#. Add spell checking plugin, and you should install pyEnchant module
#. Auto save side pane size
#. Auto maximize when double-click on tab of notebook, only 50% for side pane
#. Improve acp format, and you can use {#text#} represent selected text
#. Add support for creating ePyDoc comment to function definition
#. Add personal info management, only user name for now
#. Add session management
#. Add live regular expression searching, you can type regex
dynamically and watch the result immediately
#. Add CloseOther plugin, thanks for nmweizi, and it can keep current
document but close all others documents
#. Add smart navigation, and it can remember the path of files visited
#. Improve Ctrl+B to jump to last modified position
#. Add a checkbox for reStructuredText Html view window, and it can
used for stop automatically refresh the html content as you changing
the ReST file
#. Auto close syntax check window as there are no errors to current python file
#. Auto support for dropping files and directories to directory window
#. Dynamically popup menu creation of notebook
#. Add open Dos window here for current document on popup menu of
notebook, only works for windows now
#. Add custom FlatButtons control written by myself, used in smart navigation
#. Improve support for custom toolbar control in toolbar process
#. Improve project process: refactor, adding and deleting config process
#. Improve Chinese support in rerange.py script


#. Remove the process for input assistant in OnKeyDown of editor, in
order to simplify the process
#. Fix don't check the syntax for python file as saving bug
#. Fix can't search for document as opening it bug
#. Fix incorrect enabled status for toolbar buttons bug
#. Fix incorrect syntax highlight process bug
#. Refactor and fix New... menuitem is not the same with toolbar menu bug
#. Fix losing input focus after saving file bug
#. Fix pressing Ctrl+F4 will quit UliPad bug
#. Change recent files and recent path menu to popup menu, so it will
speed opening file and saving file
#. Fix the redirection process of executing python program, and add an
option for showing parameter window on every running
#. Fix the efficient of input assistant bug
#. Change Ctrl+Enter to Shift+Enter

Where to download it?

download lastest version 3.5:
also have windows installer:
wiki: http://wiki.woodpecker.org.cn/moin/UliPad
svn: http://cvs.woodpecker.org.cn/svn/woodpecker/ulipad/trunk
maillist: http://groups.google.com/group/ulipad

If you have any problem as using UliPad, welcome to join the UliPad
maillist to discuss.

Hope you enjoy it. ;-)

I like python!
UliPad <<The Python Editor>>: http://wiki.woodpecker.org.cn/moin/UliPad
My Blog: http://www.donews.net/limodou

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