Lucas wrote:
> Thank you for your answer.
> I have some new questions:
> 1)  the value of return from getpixel() is a RGB number?
>          print im.getpixel((44,55))   ----> (160,160,160)
Yes, that's an RGB tuple.

> 2) I want to put a number into the picture for encryption(replace least
> significant bit (LSB) of image intensity with message bit).
>     If i use putpixel((44,55),0) , the number 0 will be changed RGB
> value or others.?
I think you'd need to use

     putpixel((44, 55), (0, 0, 0))

but it's easy enough to try out interactively ...

> 3)         pix = im.load()
>             print pix[44,55]
>             pix[44, 55] = value
>  my python cannt identify "[x,y]" ??

Now what makes you think that an image can be addressed that way? I'd be 
quite surprised if yo got anything other than a TypeError doing that.

Steve Holden       +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
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