On 22 Oct 2006 02:40:17 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> With some cleaning and improving, I think wax
> (http://zephyrfalcon.org/labs/wax.html ) can become good too.

I looked at Wax, but the author doesn't seem to be too involved with
it. It looks like a cool idea that he developed far enough to make it
work, and then got bored with it. I mean hell, there isn't even a
workable grid class that does anything differently than the wxPython
grid does!

Dabo's implementation is already llight years ahead of Wax, despite
entering the game much later. When you've worked with lots of open
source projects, you can tell which are actively being developed and
which are dead or comatose; you can tell which have a growing
community and which are stagnant; you can tell which are worth
investing your time into learning and/or contributing to, and which
are dead-ends. Wax feels like a real dead-end to me.


# p.d.

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