> I am new to Python but come from a C++ background so I am trying to
> connect the dots :)
Welcome, and commiserations on your harsh upbringing :-)

> I am really liking what I see so far but have
> some nubee questions on what is considered good form.

This document is an official proposal for "good style" for code in the
Python standard library. Most consider it a good style reference for
all Python code.


> For one thing I am used to class variables being accessable only
> through methods instaed of directly refrenced from the object
> instence. From what I have read it looks like when you access a
> class variable directly in Python it has something in the background
> that works similar to a getter of setter.

This document was written specifically for those coming from Java, but
many of its points would also be applicable to the C++ mindset.


This one responds to the above, and specifically addresses getters and


Here's a couple more, also responding to the same article.


 \       "It is forbidden to steal hotel towels. Please if you are not |
  `\        person to do such is please not to read notice."  -- Hotel |
_o__)                                         sign, Kowloon, Hong Kong |
Ben Finney


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