Samuel Kilchenmann wrote:
.>>> logging._handlers.clear()
.>>> logging.root.handlers = []
.>>> for l in logging.Logger.manager.loggerDict.values():
.>>> l.handlers = []
after logging.shutdown() and before getting the new logger, your script will probably run without errors.
<snip> Hello,
Yeah, I worked that out after a bit, I solved it by keeping a record of all the handlers and then calling flush on the handler followed by removeHandler from the logger. It's a bit of a pain but I'd prefer to do that rather than go poking around inside the logging package but I will put the cleaning up of the dict on a shutdown() call as a feature request for logging.
Thanks for the comm.
Neil Benn Senior Automation Engineer Cenix BioScience BioInnovations Zentrum Tatzberg 46 D-01307 Dresden Germany
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