Paul Boddie wrote: > James Stroud wrote: >>(1,2,3).reversed() >> >>"123".reversed() >> >>[1,2,3].reversed() > > I guess Python 2.5 has the reversed method of which you speak.
Not that I could find (as methods of any built in sequence type). 2.5 just has the "reversed" function that returns and iterator and so 2.5 requires these kind of gymnastics on built in sequences: > "".join(list(reversed(list(s)))) Of course, I think str.join can operate on iterators, as Paul Rubin suggests: > print ''.join(reversed(x)) This latter approach still seems a little clunky, though. James -- James Stroud UCLA-DOE Institute for Genomics and Proteomics Box 951570 Los Angeles, CA 90095 --