John Salerno wrote:
>'m not steeped enough in daily programming to argue that it sn't 
>necessary, but my question is why do you need to reverse strings? Is it

>something that happens often enough to warrant a method for it?

I've been programming professionally for over 10 years, and have never
once needed to reverse a string.  Maybe it's a lack of imagination on my
part, but I can't think of a single instance this might be necessary.

However, if I did ever run across this need while using Python, it would
seem awkward to use [::-1], just from a clarity standpoint.  A
string.reverse() method would be a decent thing to have.

Just my $.02.


P.S.  How about a string.shuffle() method that splits the string in half
into two new strings str1 and str2, and then recompiles the string by
alternating one character from each str1 and str2 as it goes?  Like
shuffling cards.  ;)
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