I've looked at pyro, and it is definitely overkill for what I need. If I was requiring some kind of persistent state for objects shared between processes, pyro would be awesome...but I just need to transfer chunks of complex python data back and forth. No method calls or keeping state in sync. I don't find socket code particularly nasty, especially through a higher-level module like asyncore/asynchat. -Dave Irmen de Jong wrote: David Hirschfield wrote:I have a pair of programs which trade python data back and forth by pickling up lists of objects on one side (using pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL), and sending that data over a TCP socket connection to the receiver, who unpickles the data and uses it.So far this has been working fine, but I now need a way of separating multiple chunks of pickled binary data in the stream being sent back and forth.[...] Save yourself the trouble of implementing some sort of IPC mechanism over sockets, and give Pyro a swing: http://pyro.sourceforge.net In Pyro almost all of the nastyness that is usually associated with socket programming is shielded from you and you'll get much more as well (a complete pythonic IPC library). It may be a bit heavy for what you are trying to do but it may be the right choice to avoid troubles later when your requirements get more complex and/or you discover problems with your networking code. Hth, ---Irmen de Jong -- Presenting: mediocre nebula. |
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