On 10/13/06, Theerasak Photha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 13 Oct 2006 07:37:07 -0700, Bernard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > IDE : SPE (Stani's python editor) : http://stani.be/python/spe/blog/
> > Why?: because this IDE is not complicated. it ships with a debugger, a
> > gui designer, a source code checker and a regex console.
> > Like: obviously everything
> > Hate: sometimes it doesn't start on windows 2000
> > Platform: Windows, Linux, Mac
> > cost: free but I'll donate some money because I like it
> Will definitely give it a look.
Maybe you could also check out UliPad to try it. Many features UliPad
also have, and it also shipped with

* directory browser
* multi-view
* multi-language highlight support, like: python, javascript, css, html, etc
* simple project support bind with directory browser
* commands searching
* live regular expression searching, type regex, and you'll see the
result immediately
* session manager
* i18n
* input assistant, support call tips, '.' hint, and auto-complete, for
example: you type

  def then it'll expand to def ():
* many plugins, for example spell check, if you install pyenchant module
* others things

hope you try it.

I like python!
UliPad <<The Python Editor>>: http://wiki.woodpecker.org.cn/moin/UliPad
My Blog: http://www.donews.net/limodou

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