> (OT: Try to type 'proficient' with one hand on a US keyboard. :-)) A number of nice words like that:
authenticity proficiency entitlement enchantment protozoans proficient antisocial tutorials tormentor shanghais shamrocks rhapsodic protozoan pantheism handiwork flamencos fishbowls firmament endowment dyspeptic dyspepsia downturns downright divisible disorient dismantle dirigible cockfight authentic Try it yourself: >>> import re >>> r = re.compile('^[yuiophjklnm]?([asdfgqwertzxcvb][yuiophjklnm])*[asdfgqwertzxcvb]?$') >>> for line in file('/usr/share/dict/words'): ... line = line.strip() ... if r.match(line): print line ... which finds words that (on a QWERTY keyboard) are touch-typed with alternating left/right hands. In a fit of late-night boredom, I played with regexps that will find words of the following classes of words (on a QWERTY keyboard): typed with just the left-hand '^[qwertasdfgzxcvb]*$' typed with just the right-hand '^[yuiophjklnm]*$' typed with just the top-row of keys '^[qwertyuiop]*$' typed with just the home-row of keys '^[asdfghjkl]*$' typed with just the home-row keys '^[asdfjkl]*$' Beware...they're fun :) -tkc -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list