Robert Kern wrote:
> Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
> > Robert Kern wrote:
> >> No, he's just a troll that enjoys telling everyone what to do. Don't try 
> >> to get
> >> him to contribute anything useful; it won't work.
> >
> > Mr. Kern! Seeing you working on such a seemingly excellent product, I
> > am really wondering about your tenor.
> I am confident that it is accurately aimed. Furthermore, I am confident that 
> the
> record and the rest of this community will back me up on it. I've told you
> before that this community will not tolerate your bad behavior. How many times
> does this have to be demonstrated before you will leave?
Please stay in-topic

can you please inform me (and the interested readers) about the
persistency mechanism within traits: 


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