At Tuesday 10/10/2006 11:32, Kevien Lee wrote:

I agree with the problem caue of the the escape character,but when i folllow
these meth,it still didn't work.

Explain "didn't work". A full traceback would be useful.

It is so strang that the code work on another computer (OS is WinXP),but throw
error on mine.Why?plese help me

Using *exactly* the same file name? "D:\Downloads\second.xml" works fine too, but that's just because \d and \s are not recognised as escape sequences.

>   There is a problem about File path encode ,when i want to parse
> an xml file.
>     xmldoc=minidom.parse("D:\Downloads\1.xml")
>IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'D:\\Downloads\x01.xml'

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL

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