Roy Smith wrote:
Skip Montanaro wrote:
246 ValueError
227 aetools.Error
216 Error
124 TypeError
101 error
75 RuntimeError
53 IOError
36 NotImplementedError
36 ImportError
36 EOFError
31 SyntaxError
23 KeyError
23 AttributeError
22 DistutilsPlatformError
21 UnicodeError
It's kind of interesting (scarry?) that in roughly 20% of the cases
nothing more specific than Error is raised.
(In case someone reading doesn't know) there isn't actually
an "Error" in the standard set of exceptions. It seems
likely that pretty much all of those uses are actually
module-specific Errors, and as such they are probably much
more specific than the unadorned name might imply.
Also, when one is trying to pick an appropriate exception
to raise, it is often the case that none of the standard
exceptions seems appropriate. In those cases (although I
personally would prefer a different name than "Error")
there's often no good alternative to making your own
unique module-specific Exception subclass.