In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Duncan Booth wrote:

> Lawrence D'Oliveiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I use the above when I can, when I can't I fall back on
> Yes, so you said, but you never came up with a convincing use case where
> that function was better than using the parameterised queries.
First of all, the parametrization doesn't handle wildcards, as we discussed

Secondly, it's less convenient for cases where a dynamic query is being
built. I previously gave the SQLStringList example. If that's not enough,
here's another (simple) one:

Conditions = []
if Name != None :
    Conditions.append("name = %s" % SQLString(Name))
#end if
if Address != None :
    Conditions.append("address = %s" % SQLString(Address))
#end if
if PhoneNr != None :
    Conditions.append("phone_nr = %s" % SQLString(PhoneNr))
#end if
Query = "select * from table"
if len(Conditions) != 0 :
    Query += " where " + " and ".join(Conditions)
#end if

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