Clodoaldo Pinto Neto wrote:

> print '<p>The submited name was "' + name + '"</p>'

Bzzt! Script injection security hole. See cgi.escape and use it (or a
similar function) for *all* text -> HTML output.

> open('files/' + fileitem.filename, 'w')

BZZZZZZT. filesystem overwriting security hole, possibly escalatable to
code execution. clue: fileitem.filename= '../../'

> sid = cookie['sid'].value
> session ='/tmp/.session/sess_' + sid

Bad filename use allows choice of non-session files, opening with
shelve allows all sorts of pickle weirdnesses. Just use strings.

> p = sub.Popen(str_command,


Sure this stuff may not matter for Hello World on a test server, but if
you're writing a tutorial you should ensure newbies know the Right Way
to do it from the start. The proliferation of security-oblivious PHP
tutorials is directly responsible for the disasterous amount of
script-injection- and SQL-injection-vulnerable webapps out there -
let's not have the same for Python.

And Clover


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