Paul Rubin wrote:
> "Fuzzyman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > The sourceforge bug tracker *is* the single right place to post
> > issues. The py-dev mailing list would be a second *useful* place to
> > post such a comment, although not really the right place. The OP
> > to want an individual with whom he could have a private
> > about it.
> I think he wanted a place to send a bug report that wouldn't be
> exposed to public view until the developers had a chance to issue a
> patch.  With bugzilla, for example, you can check a bug labelled
> is a security bug, keep it confidential".  There's lots of dilemmas
> and some controversy about keeping any bug reports confidential in an
> open source system.  But the general strategy selected by Mozilla
> after much debate seems to mostly work ok.  It basically says develop
> a patch quickly, keep the bug confidential while the patch is being
> developed, and once the patch is available, notify distro maintainers
> to install it, and then after a short delay (like a couple days),
> publish the bug.
> Note that anyone with access to the bug (that includes the reporter
> and selected developers) can uncheck the box at any time, if they
> think the bug no longer needs to be confidential.  The bug then
> becomes visible to the public.

Sounds like a useful feature request to Sourceforge.



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