sturlamolden wrote: > Travis E. Oliphant wrote: > > > Definitely not true. People in Singapore, Japan, Ghana, South Africa, > > France, Germany, New Zealand, Australia, and many other countries are > > using NumPy successfully. Gratefully, a few have contributed by buying > > the book, but a lot more have downloaded and are successfully using it. > > >From the PayPal site for purchasing your book: "Select Payment Type: > Don't have a PayPal account? You don't need an account. Pay securely > using your credit card." I bought the book from Norway using my credit > card, and received the pdf file soon afterwards. Obviously the book can > be bought without a PayPal account or a us billing address.
ok, my apologies on this one. I was wrong about the paypal option. I missed the spot (right at the top, where I should have seen it) to change the country. There is indeed a way to buy the book if you don't live in the US. -greg --