After a long hiatus, I finally found *something* as a vehicle to learn Python. My friends and I are (hopefully) getting together to play FEAR RPG and I decided to use Python to write chargen utilities and such.
What do I have to say? Except for not having TrueClosures, which can be emulated with objects anyway, way better than Perl. Of course I still develop and one-line frob with Perl, but Python might even take over in the latter capacity if I become fluent as I have in Perl. The community is also a significant advantage always, which is why I use Vector Linux as well. In principle, I like Ruby in some ways better than I do Python, but as far as pragmatism goes: Py for teh win! ipython just owns house on irb. Had to say it. reStructuredText looks like it might also be very useful to me. Greetings to all. -- What if Iraqis were blastocysts? --