James Stroud wrote:
> Hello,
> Does anyone know of the most straightforward way to get rid of the 
> intensely annoying "console" window that py2app feels so compelled to 
> create?
> On a related but less important note, why would anyone want that stupid 
> window in the first place?
> James

I should mention that this is the ridiculously pointless Tcl shell 
created when deploying a TkAqua application with py2app. Surely there 
has to be a better place to practice one's Tcl programming than from the 
console window of a bundled application that would otherwise be fit for 
end-users--except for the stupid Tcl console that no one will bother to 
use but is just frickin' desktop clutter.

## This is not the stdout console of the shell terminal, etc. ##


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