Steve Holden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I should have thought the simplest spelling of your requirements would be
> try:
>      do_something()
>      print "It worked"
> except:
>      # it didn't

This usage is generally disparaged because of the possibility of
exceptions having nothing to do with do_something, including
asynchronous exceptions like KeyboardInterrupt, that really should get
handed up to higher levels of the program.

An approach not mentioned is for do_something to arrange that its
"expected" exceptions would all belong to subclasses of some single
class, so you could catch all those exceptions at once: 

  try: do_something()
  except SomethingException:
     # it didn't work

or alternatively you could break out the individual subclasses:

  try: do_something()
  except SomethingHTTPException:
     # it didn't work for this reason
  except SomethingWhatsitException:
     # or that one

Or alternatively you could just put everything in one exception
with the underlying exception in the returned arg:

   try: do_something()
   except SomethingException, e:
      # it didn't work, e gives the reason

   def do_something():
        do_something_1()   # do the real something
     except (HTTPError, ApplicationError, ...), e:
        # pass detailed exception info up to the caller
        raise SomethingException, (sys.exc_info(), e)

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