Mirco Wahab wrote:
> Thus spoke MRAB (on 2006-09-30 20:54):
>>Antoine De Groote wrote:
>>>I just have to learn accept the fact that Python is more verbose more
>>>often than Ruby (I don't know Perl really). 
>>One of the differences between the Python way and the Perl way is that
>>the Perl way has a side-effect: Perl assigns to the variables $1, $2,
>>etc. each time you execute a regular expression whereas Python just
>>returns a match object for each, so it's not overwriting the results of
>>the previous one. I find the Python way cleaner.
> This statement reduces to the fact, that
>  - in Python you keep the matches if you want,
>    but drop them if you don't
>    import re
>    text = "this is 5 some 89 stuff 12 with numbers 21 interspersed"
>    matches =  re.split('\D+', text)
>  - in Perl you keep the matches if you want,
>    but drop them if you don't
>    $text = "this is 5 some 89 stuff 12 with numbers 21 interspersed";
>    @matches = $text=~/(\d+)/g;
> I fail to see the benefit of a re-object, I consider these to
> be just there because regexes aren't in the core language.
Fine. Just because you fail to see the benefit, however, that doesn't 
mean there isn't one. Maybe we just aren't explaining it in terms you 
can appreciate?

Steve Holden       +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
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