metaperl wrote:
> I was shocked to see the personal insults hurled in this thread:
> I have been very pleased with Python developers regardless of skill
> levels in both the IRC channel as well as here - no hot attitudes. No
> holier than thou put ons. I was just sinking into the comradery and
> cooperative nature of this new powerful community when I saw that
> thread.
> Well, I hope that the fact that 99% of the Python community, from Guido
> von Rossum on down continues to exemplify how a language can be good
> and the people can be friendly and that the other 1% get inspired by
> their positivity and switch as well...

I've reviewed a little the thread.

I've not evaluated the possible use-cases of "cgi.escape".

The question is always: who start's the use of insults?

I just noticed one thing:

The OP wrote (refering to an implementationd detail, which btw. has
possible resulted after many days of thought/trials in context of
several use-cases):

"This seems to me to be dumb"

which could be interpreted as: "the implementor seems to be dumb"

So, personally I think the implementor was free to reply "bla bla bla,
you idiot".

This was not an insult.

Just a gentle gesture (using similar wording as the OP).




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