Dennis is absolutely right.  The reason you won't find a method in the
standard libraries for doing this task specifically is because python
aims to by cross-platform.  If it were to support a method that worked
in the way you describe specifically for Windows, that would
essentially break python's cross-platform compatibility.  It would
create a method that simply wouldn't work on two of the three major
operating systems.  Sorry.

You could write a method or series of methods that does the task you're
describing and have the first method in the chain detect what operating
system it is running on (which I believe is possible through the
standard library) and route the request to the appropriate OS-specific

Just a thought.

Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
> On 28 Sep 2006 23:23:23 -0700, "glenn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> declaimed the following in comp.lang.python:
> > Hi  Jay
> > pls excuse top post - Im actually doing this project in linux, but am
> > wanting it to be cross platform. I definitley have to cater for win32
> > also.  I was hoping that burried in sys or os or that there'd be some x
> > platform  module that did all that stuff for me
>       As soon as you ask for "cross platform" and something that is
> device/OS specific... you have conflict.
> From the win32 extensions:
> win32file.GetDriveType
> int = GetDriveType()
> Determines whether a disk drive is a removable, fixed, CD-ROM, RAM disk,
> or network drive.
> Return Value
> The result is one of the DRIVE_* constants.
>       I suspect Linux would require checking parameters in the fstab file.
> --
>       Wulfraed        Dennis Lee Bieber               KD6MOG
>       [EMAIL PROTECTED]               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>               HTTP://
>       (Bestiaria Support Staff:               [EMAIL PROTECTED])
>               HTTP://


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