It's been observed a couple times recently ... distributing and compiling extensions is a pain, especially on windows, when the main supported compilers are not freely availble .. nor even commercially availble anymore.
What we need is a way to break out of this dependency. A way for python extensions to be built using any C compiler and be able to target multiple Python runtime version with a single binary build. I believe I have such a solution.It is heavily influenced byt Java's Native Interface, which achieved this independence since day one. The technical details are too combersome to post here, so I added a page to my projects's homepage detailing my proposal. If there is interest, I'd be interested in working on the PEP and the implementation.The URL for the proposal is This solution may not be complete. Of multi-platform details might make some suggestion impossible or impractical. Please take this proposal as a starting point for a discussion. I have a working prototype for steps 1 that I am using to implement JPype. So this is not a pipe dream. it is real and functional. Please leave tour comments here, or better yet on my blog at . Steve Menard Author and Maintainer of JPype ( ) --