Luis M. Gonzalez wrote:
Peter Hansen wrote:
Arthur wrote:
And the rules of the game, if he shows?

Arthur, if Xah Lee shows up at Pycon, he most definitely will not be giving the best impression...

Have you visited his website? I kind of like this guy... it's like he has a few bugs in his brain, but other parts are surprisingly interesting.

Yes I have, though that's not really relevant to my point, which was (in effect) that if he shows up still claiming to be qualified to discuss Python -- such as how the tutorial is not a tutorial, while his is -- then he would definitely not make any better impression than he's made here.

It was also, though perhaps not successfully, and attempt
at humour, with a pun based on the double meaning of the
word "impression" in English.

But, yes, I visited the site.  And it saddened me in several
ways. :-(  I did not see (nor looked for) the "curves" page,
which from the sounds of it would do much to redeem the
fellow, if only he could learn and practice certain social


** Such as not massively cross-posting.  And others...

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