"Michele Simionato" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> John Salerno wrote:
> > But what if you are an expert Python program and have zero clue about
> > other languages?
> Python is not a trivial language (think of generators, decorators,
> metaclasses, etc)
> If you can master it, you can master even other languages, so I would
> hire somebody
> who knows Python only.  Notice that by "knowing Python" I mean also
> knowing its
> standard library and the most common Python third party libraries (GUI
> toolkits, XML toolkits, SQL libraries, twisted, etc. etc.)

It's interesting that, thinking about it, I think lots of the
technical knowledge used on a daily basis (doing mostly Python/SQL/JS
etc. in my case) fits into neither the "language" nor "library"
category, nor easily into most of the other technical categories one
hears people use.

ISTM that there's a vast amount of mostly-tacit knowledge about the
way things work, and they way they should work, good practices, design
techniques, rules of thumb, Bad Ideas ;-), etc. etc. that good
programmers do have and bad or inexperienced programmers don't.



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