Following is a code snippet from a pythoncard app the problem is with the sql string called iq1 If either mysubject or mytalktext contains an apostrophe the update fails : Example: mysubject="Let's Eat" this fails mysubject="Lets Eat" this works fine
What options do I have to avoid this issue but still can use apostrophes in my input data ? mysubject=self.components.TextField1.text mytalktext=self.components.TextArea1.text mymsgno=self.myamsgno iq1="update MSGTALK set msgdate='NOW',subject='%s',talktext='%s' where msgno= %d " % (mysubject,mytalktext,mymsgno) try: self.cur.execute(iq1) con1.commit() self.components.TextArea2.appendText('Update ok\n') except: self.components.TextArea2.appendText('Problem during update command\n') self.components.TextArea2.appendText(iq1) (hope the intendation did not get too messed up ) Thanks --