In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Duncan Booth wrote: > Lawrence D'Oliveiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >>> You are still missing the point. I'm not talking about generating a >>> MySQL string literal, I'm talking about preventing wildcards >>> characters having their special meaning when using the string as a >>> parameter in cursor.execute. >> >> But that's what cursor.execute will do if you use its >> parameter-substitution mechanism--generate a string literal. > > The current implementation of the MySQL database adapter will do that. > Other database adaptors may handle parameters without generating string > literals.
Doesn't matter what other implementations of parametrization might or might not do. The syntax I generate is valid for MySQL, therefore it will work with the MySQL database adapter regardless of what else the adaptor might do. >>> You still have to escape the escape character... >> >> Which will be done by cursor.execute if you use its >> parameter-substitution mechanism. > > Too late and not enough. Too late, because if you want to search for the > literal "\\%" (single backslash percent) you need to escape the backslash > before you escape the percent. Not enough because at the point MySQLdb > finally converts it to a string literal a literal backslash to be used in > a context where wildcards are allowed needs to be spelled with 4 > backslashes. i.e. it needs to be escaped twice, once for the string > literal and once to stop it being interpreted as an escape within the > wildcard string. I'm assuming you mean, how would you get from a Python expression to a MySQL clause that looks like name like "%\\\\%%" (wildcard % followed by literal backslash \\ followed by literal percent \% followed by wildcard %.) That's easy: EscapeSQLWild(r"\%") => r"\\%" SQLString(r"\\%") => r'"\\\\%"' So the Python expression "name like %s" % SQLString("%" + EscapeSQLWild(r"\%") + "%") gives you what you want. > Correct: they both do the same thing. So you have to use either SQLString > or the parameter substitution. You cannot use both. Calling SQLString on a > string to be passed in to the parameter substitution mechanism will not > work correctly. I thought I had made that clear already. --