> If you're really trying to become a well-rounded computer professional 
> I'd recommend reasonable exposure to at least:
> * C
> * A static functional language (ML, Haskell, etc)
> * Lisp or scheme Scheme
> * A static class-oriented language (Java, C++, etc)
> * A dynamic OO language (Python, ruby, smalltalk, etc)
> and at least a brief look at, say, Forth and Prolog.

Interesting list.  Of those, I've done tons of C, just enough lisp to get 
the feel of it, lots of C++, and of course Python.  I've never done any 
functional stuff.  Just enough Forth to be able to say I'd done it (as long 
as you don't press me too hard on the exact definition of "done it").

I've also done a lot of serious Fortran.  Some SQL.  Some Java.  Perl when 
I'm forced into it.  PostScript (yes, it really is a programming language).  
Toyed with Ruby.

The point is, there's lots of languages.  If your goal is to make a career 
as a programmer, you will eventually end up learning lots of languages.  
Each one will teach you something and make you a better programmer.  Some 
will pay the bills.  Every few years there will be a new hot toy that comes 
along that you'll want to learn.  These days, I'd guess that would be Ruby 
and/or D.  Five years from now, it'll be something none of us have ever 
heard of because it hasn't been invented yet.

At one point, I thought I was cool and marketable because I knew C (the hot 
new toy of the 80's).  If I never progressed past that, today I'd be asking 
people if they'd like fries with their burger.

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